Monday, October 26, 2009


Visualam a visual learner, i have to see a picture or draw a picture to understand
Aurallistening does not help me at all
Read/writeby reading and writing i also learn the material, eventhough i have to take notes and look at exmples
Kinesthetici am a kinesthetic learner i prefer to do things in order to understand what i am suppose to do

Friday, October 23, 2009

blog response #3

how does sacrifies influence/ impact the family?
in life you do have to make a lot of sacrafises sometimes that might affect oneself or family and it is painfull to do. for example having to quit school because you to support your family that can most defitnally impact them in so many different ways. Anohter example can be sometimes parents cannot afford to give there kids everything they want so they have to make sacrafises, but it also makes children learn how it is not easy in life to survive and make them appreciate what they have.In Rain of Gold Juan was in Montana and was away from his family and his mom wanted Juan to come back home she would pray that he would come back home. Juan made that sacrafies to be away from his family for a long period of time. He was away for six yrs. his mom wanted him to come for christmas so she lied that she was really sick and she was praying and hoping that Juan would come back. Which he did end up coming back and promised his mom he would never leave her sight again. Eventhough he was unhappy that he was going to leave his businness in Montana. In life you have to make a lot of sacrafises and theres always going to be obstecles but together you get through it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog response #2

How is sacrifice related to pride?
Sacrafice is related to pride in so many different ways because you make sacrafices in life because your pride is more important. For example sacrafices like wanting something for yourself, but you have the choice to either spend it for yourself or help your family thats an example of sacrafice. Pride is when you stand up for something that your proud for example your culture were you come from you have prode.

What is the difference between reality and faith?
I belive that the difference between reality and faith is that reality is something that does accour and it happens in reality what life is about its not a fairy tell and faith is when you believe in someone or in something for example a saint or you have faith that something would help you for example lets say you are in financial crisis, but you have faith that everything is going to get better. that its an exaple of having faith.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Literature Circle blog 1

The scene i drew juans family and everyone was looking for food. Juan tried eating his little burro but couldn't eat that night juan cried sleepin under the stars. I choose this scene because i can feel juan's pain how his burro had to be killed so everyone can eat since they were starving he was hurt and could not eat his own burro even if he was starving. This is interestin scene because it connects to how when you have to let go of something or someone it hurts it is pain full. Also how it feel not having food and starving your self that has never happen to me, but other families have experince it. my family experieced it when they were small. I would defined this scene as sorrow.

Leave Your Cell Phone

Leave Your Cell Phone at the Classroom Door

9) What causes digital immigrants to feel they are subservient or less than digital natives in a society?

        What causes immigrants to feel they are subservient or less than digital natives its because they never had so much technology in there days maybe they did not have the chance to use technology and now there is so much technology that digital immigrants feel subservient because the generation from now has adapted to technology it is easier for them to learn about technology. for example someone who was born in the 80"s it is easier to learn let say how to use a blackberry and someone who is a digital immigrant it is more difficult for them learn how to use a blackberry.  Now everyone has to adapted and learn how to use technology because there is there is technology everywhere and we use it on our everyday life.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reflection on Munoz

What is the meaning of being subservient in a dominant culture?
The meanig of being in a dominant culture is that most of the time people try to change there names to others or others try to change there name to get better jobs and better aportunities in life. A viarity of people are affected by there names because there opportunities are limited in finding a job or beeing vilified because of there name or how your name is pronaunce for example if you name is jose people change it to joe if your name is maria is changed to marie. for some people there name definds them and they dont change there name at all because they were raise with that name there whole life.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Literature Cirlcle Blog 1

The scene i drew lupe is on the hillside trying to get water she then notices a soldier she was so nervous it was the a soldier (the Colonel). lupe just kept staring at him she felt such a wonder she felt all sort of thing happenin inside her heart(pg.21). I selected this theme because it was so nice how lupe did not trust anyone, but her mom and she only loved her mom no one else, she is so attached to her. The personal connection i made was that i have always said when i was small how can you love someone how those it feel and well when i first fell inlove i new what it felt no one can discribe it. In one word i would summarize this scene as LOVE.

What is the digital culture?

when i hear digital culture to me it means technology. Digital culture is technology because now days you don't have to go to the library and do research you can find it all online. Before there wasnt so much technology you actually had to go to the library and research books. Also news papers are goin out of business because you can now read articles online and you dont have to buy the actual news paper. Technology is a huge thing in the United States and each day we use more and more technology