Thursday, November 5, 2009

Anzaldua blog #2

Anzaldua does not write an academic essay she writes an essay that its different than the others because the language that she uses she uses english and spanish on the reading. Anzaldua's reading defines the different languages that we talk and how we speak the same language, but we speak it differently with each group of people we have a different style meaning the way we talk. we talk one way to our family another with our friends and manager or co of the quotes that i choose it shows that she does not write a traditional essay because she writes "and i think, do you tame a wild toungue, train it to be quite, and do you briddle i? how do you make it lie down?" in the reading she starts out with a story, but behind that story theres a point the main idea. Anzaldua also writes quotes in the reading thats what makes it a non traditional essay.

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